Following close supervision and consultation with charities here in Bristol I have set up an URGENT fundraiser to raise £1000 plus towards legal fees for my dear friend Zainab who is an Asylum Seeker from Pakistan
More details about her situation can be read on this GoFundMe page that I have set up.

IF you also wish to enter the PRIZE DRAW of one of my ready made TOPSY TURVY DOLLs & her pet rabbit 🐇 (Total worth £83.40) please make a minimum donation of £5. Obviously more is gratefully received but I know people are struggling financially atm.
You can remain anonymous on the publicly viewed Go Fund page but I will (privately) be notified of your name and so can enter your name into the draw.
Please email me at with subject heading DONATED so I can contact you to let you know if you’ve WON.
I won’t expect long emails…just your name! I want to make this as easy as possible.
The draw, out of a hat, will happen live on Instagram (if u want to anonymous in the draw let me know too) on Sunday March 24 th. Can be posted out in time for 🐣 Easter. @tallulahswirlspuppets
If you could share this FAR & WIDE that would be very much appreciated.
Much much love and many thanks, Amy xxxxxx